Everything you always wanted to know about architecture (but were afraid to ask)
One Day Workshop - May 19, 2022 — 09:00-17:00
Location: SQUER Office, Marxergasse 17/1/33-34
Architectural ThinkingSystem ThinkingDogma-Free Architecture
Why do we need architecture? What about architectural work? Can it be emergent? What new challenges did the technological evolutions of the last decade create? How do we address architectural work best? What tools do I need to have in my toolbox? How do I embed architectural work in my software development process? Are there best practices? How can I deal with resilience? What does "green software" mean for architecture? How can I fight the exuberant complexity? And so on ...
Architectural work of today poses a lot of questions and often it is very hard to find good answers. In this workshop we will try to answer some of them.
The workshop does not have a fixed schedule. Instead, you will build your own schedule from a set of predefined lectures and exercises addressing different subject areas. Or you bring your own questions and we will find the answers together.
Uwe Friedrichsen
Uwe Friedrichsen travels the IT world for many years. As CTO of codecentric AG he is always in search of innovative ideas and concepts. His current focus areas are system design, resilience, sustainability and making IT a better place. Often, you can find him on conferences sharing his ideas, or as author of articles, blog posts, tweets and more.
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